Monday, October 10, 2005

indulging my not-so-inner child

last week at the flea market I found a boxed set of my favorite book as a child: Misty of Chincoteague. Marguerite Henry wrote four stories about the wild pony — Stormy: Misty's Foal, Misty's Twilight and Sea Star — and reading the first page of Misty of Chincoteague took me instantly back to that beat-up, avocado green, upholstered chair in the attic of our house. I would have been nine. (My childhood reading was, to say the least, schizophrenic. That same year I read The Exorcist and The Godfather. Not because I was particularly interested but because they were laying around the house and I would read anything with pages.)

so, I spent this Thanksgiving weekend hiding out and re-reading a childhood favorite: something I recommend highly. Want to shut out the world on a snowy day? Try Little Women, it still stands up.


Anonymous said...

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I have a soft spot for blogs related to marketing tools and /or sites that have a central theme around marketing tools type items.

Once again, thank you, hope you don't mind me visiting again sometime :-)

Oishee said...

hi, i like your blog. and Little Women is one of my favourites too:) check out my blog too-it's about everythgin that comes to my mind, really:)