Thursday, November 03, 2005

fascinated by victorians

interviewing Ken McGoogan (Lady Franklin's Revenge) the other day piqued my interest in Victorian life. History has always lacked detail for me. Sure, there are billions of books on every nuance of the world's big battles, but what about daily life? I always want to know what people ate, how they shopped or, for that matter, how they went to the bathroom.

McGoogan kindly highlighted for me some of the books in his bibliography and last week I ordered Judith Flanders' The Victorian House through Subtitled "Domestic Life from Childbirth to Deathbed" the London (England) Daily Telegraph said, it's "a fat, fascinating and fact-filled exploration of Victorian domestic life." I'm just into the second chapter and agree completely.

if a non-fiction book interests you, make a point of reading the bibliography or acknowledgements - you never know what interesting things you will find.

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